The winter of 2013 to 2014 was cold but busy. What follows is a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.
We made Bible scenes out of gingerbread one winter evening. The kids loved it! Here is Caleb's creation: Noah's ark.

Caleb with his creation

Corbin made a scene from Jonah:

Corbin with his creation

Nora made Daniel and a lion:

Nora with her creation

Anna made herself (with animal friends) in Paradise:

Anna with her creation

Rosa made Moses parting the Red Sea:

Rosa with her creation

Alex also made his comic character:

Alex's Evil Mountain

We evidently kept Lee up too late!

Lee with his creation

Even the animals liked snuggling up on the cold winter evenings. Here's Rosa and Caleb with Lizzy, Bubba, and Birdzie.

the 3 dogs with Rosa and Caleb

One especially cold evening I mentioned to Corbin that water would freeze really fast outside. Well, the scientist in him took over. He did the opposite of frying an egg on a hot sidewalk. In 15 minutes, this egg was frozen to the plate!

a frozen egg

He also set out a glass of water. Here is the result of that: (Notice it is frozen solid. The cup is still on the table!)

Ice water

Bubba is such a sweet and mellow boy. The one thing he still treasures from his old owner is his little stuffed animal. He carries it all over, and if he can't find it, he grabs one of the kids' stuffed animals!

Bubb with his stuffed animal

Here's Corbin before a Tuesday meeting. What a ham!


Anna lost a lot of teeth this winter. When I suggested I help her pull out a very wiggly one, here is the face I got!

Anna worried

I took some casual pictures of some of the girls one afternoon. Here's Anna:

Anna looking out the window

Anna is really, really into rabbits. Here she is with one of her favorites.

Anna with a stuffed rabibit

Rosa with her dog, Lizzy:

Rosa and Lizzy

Rosa looking out at all the snow:

Rosa looking outside

Ella giggling:

Ella laughing

Ella is loosing her baby face and becoming a regular girl!

Ella's profile

Another beautiful smile:

Ella giggling

Here is the face I usually get as she says 'Let me see it!'


Our big news of the winter is Caleb graduated from school a semester early. What does a pioneering bird lover really want?

Caleb with his new camera

A camera, of course!

Caleb again

With some coffee for good measure!

Caleb with coffee

The congregation also had a gathering for him. We all had a blast. Here is the cake:

Caleb's cake

Alex wore one of his many goofy hats:

Alex as sonic

I found Ella a giant lollipop at a store. She sure was excited about it!

Ella with her lollipop

Finally spring started to appear in late April. The girls were itching to get to a playground. Anna is a pro on the monkey bars!

Anna on the monkey bars

Go, Anna, go!

Anna on the monkey bars

Almost there!

Anna almost across

Only in Minnesota can you play on a nice day at the playground with snow still around!

the girls on the playground

Finally spring arrived. Soon the sleds and snow pants were replaced with bikes and helmets.

Ella on her bike

Lee taught Ella how to pedal in less than an hour. She is so proud!

Ella up close

Here's Rosa on her skates:

Rosa skating

Thus ends our long winter. We are ready for summer!

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